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Altubel's response to COVID-19: Apartment cleaning 2022

01/02/2022 - altubel.com


Those of you who have already stayed with us will know that we have the highest cleanliness standards in our apartments. In circumstances like the present this is even more important, so since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been putting in place a raft of additional health and safety measures in our apartment cleaning, which are effective in preventing the spread of the virus. In summary, these are:

- Altubel has taken measures and provided the right equipment to ensure that both our internal and external cleaning staff can do their jobs safely.

We must strictly observe the time difference between one guest leaving and the next arriving so that we can ensure that our cleaning staff can thoroughly clean and disinfect the apartment and everything in it, in accordance with our Special Cleaning Plan.

- All bedding will be washed at over 60º with disinfectant products, as per the Ministry of Health's recommendations to kill any type of virus or bacteria.

- Most of the cleaning materials we use are disposable and any others are disinfected after each use.

You can read our exceptional COVID-19 measures in full HERE

Telephone: 964 48 98 29
Email: Contact Form
Office hours

Our office is open from monday to friday from 09h30 to 18h30.

If you want to contact us, you can write us to  info@altubel.com o phone us to 00 34 964 48 98 29 o by whatsapp 00 34 686 01 00 43

Thank you


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